HOA Management



We offer more than just simple services to assist in tedious tasks. We serve as a partner for your HOA owners and board members. We provide comprehensive and cloud-based software and financial reports for our communities. We're more than just HOA Management, we're here to make your HOA stronger, more efficient, and digitally-accessible.



Our Services



– Collect all Association receivables. Payments can be made online, by mail, or in person. (Monthly HOA statements are automatically sent via email, 10 days prior to due date.)

– Handle past due accounts including notices, late fees, liens, collection and foreclosure. (Advanced collections are handled at no charge to the HOA by a law firm. Debtor pays all fees.)



– Periodically audit and arrange for bids on insurance, reserve studys, maintenance, landscaping, snow removal, special projects, etc.

– Monitor monthly spending, looking for opportunities to find competitive pricing for services, ensuring that boards are made aware of any potential for over spending in a particular budget category.

– Review vendor bids and invoices for accuracy and communicate with vendors to resolve any issues with work quality or pricing discrepancies.



– Manage all HOA payables, including utility bills, repair invoices, contractual obligations, etc.

– Monitor HOA budget and cash flow

– Monthly, or Quarterly Reserve Transfers, as directed by HOA Board

– Monthly bank reconciliation and financial reports

– Enforce homeowner compliance with CC&Rs

– Send policy violation notices, follow up with fines, and coordinate further legal action as necessary.

– Install signs, post notices, etc. in the action of reinforcing HOA rules and guidelines



– Help prevent negative interactions between board members and HOA residents

– Work to resolve homeowner complaints by enforcing the governing documents and working alongside the HOA Board

– Office hours Monday-Friday, 9-5; owners are always welcome to call with questions about their dues, payments, rules, etc. We will provide copies of HOA Insurance upon request (for owners who do not prefer to use the website)

– Provide HOA documentation and information to Realtors, Lenders and Title Companies in a timely manner, to support owners that are selling or refinancing.



– Electronic payment options, maintenance requests and discussion forums

– Board member access to financials and HOA documents

– Contact directory of homeowners and preferred vendors

– Access to HOA governing documents for all owners



– Provide financial updates and reports

– Provide repair/maintenance updates

– Support the HOA Board

– Assist in facilitation of HOA Votes (creating and distributing ballots, collecting and tallying votes, help enforce compliance with CC&Rs and Bylaws)



– Tax form 1120H

– Preparation of annual budget for board review and approval



– Be familiar with Senate Bill 167 and Utah State Legislation affecting HOA insurance responsibility to determine if damages warrant an HOA Insurance Claim

– Communicate with Board, and affected owners, as to insurance responsibility and processes

– If repairs will be covered by HOA Insurance – Blakemore will facilitate the repairs and communicate with vendors, adjusters, owners, etc. to complete the insurance claim process * (refer to contract pricing)



– 24 Hour Emergency phone support (leaks, habitability issues, security malfunction, etc).

– Blakemore’s maintenance team (operated under sister company, Wasatch Contractor Services) will provide regular updates to the HOA Board regarding repairs, projects, inspections, etc. Project bids will be submitted to the Board for review and approval.

– Site inspections performed by a member of Blakemore’s sister company, Wasatch Contractor Services (WCS), at least 2 times per year. (inspect common elements for proper function and/or deterioration, note any issues to be addressed with third party vendors, with written report including pictures provided to the association board)

– Skilled labor performed by members of Blakemore’s sister company, Wasatch Contractor Services, will be billed at $65/hour. (plumbing, drywall repairs, painting, water remediation, door repairs, sign installation, etc).

– On-site project oversight provided by Blakemore and/or WCS will be billed at $65/hour.


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